Best Hair Care Tips for Fall & Winter

February 21, 2019

Best Hair Care Tips for Fall & Winter

We are quickly approaching winter, temperatures are dropping and the wardrobe has most likely changed to include jackets, trench coats & plenty of comfortable sweaters. Most likely, so has your skincare routine which is now more focused on keeping the skin moisturized & plump.

Your hair needs a new regimen too

Elevate your fall & winter hair care routine: Expert tips to nourish, protect, & style your locks for a stunning and healthy look. #haircaretips #fallwinterbeauty

As the autumn & winter months approach, a combination of colder, drier air and artificial heat can strip hair of its moisture. At our core, we specialize in maintaining healthier, silkier, and stronger hair. To help you combat these challenges, we have compiled a few simple steps you can incorporate during this Autumn & Winter season.

Damage ends = damaged hair

Firstly, it’s important to address damaged ends, as they can contribute to overall hair damage. With the drop in temperatures and the addition of thicker clothing, hats, and scarves, you may notice more split ends appearing. To keep your hair healthier, make sure to get regular trims as needed. For those with rapid hair growth, we recommend trimming every 6 weeks, especially during the colder months.

Elevate your fall & winter hair care: Discover expert tips to nourish, protect, and style your locks for a healthy and vibrant look. #haircaretips #fallwinterbeauty

The 3 Ms: Mask, Moisture, More veggies

Mask: Regularly soak your hair in coconut oil or a rich hair mask. This will bring back the shine and softness the hair needed.

Moisture: When it comes to washing your hair, think about how often you do it. Stripping the scalp’s natural oils can cause dryness and brittleness, so reducing washes is beneficial. If you must wash frequently, use moisturizing shampoos and conditioners to keep your hair hydrated. Avoid products with phosphates as they worsen damage.

More veggies: Achieve hair nourishment by incorporating a combination of greens and supplements into your daily diet. It is crucial to maintain a well-balanced and nutrient-rich eating plan. These essential building blocks provide support for a range of molecular pathways, growth factors, proteins, and genes, working in synergy to promote the development of healthy hair follicles.

No fad diets, just a diet full of fruit, nuts, vegetables and your choice of protein.

Expert tips for fall & winter hair care: Nourish, protect, & style your locks with essential advice to keep them healthy & vibrant. #haircare #fallwinter

Be ready to face the cold no matter what your hair needs, be kind and gentle to it. Apply less heat, styling products and be patient through the journey of seasons.

You summer hair will thank you !

Don’t Forget to pack on those Vitamins with our supplements!

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