Why You Should Add Outdoor Time to Your Beauty Routine

February 21, 2019

Why You Should Add Outdoor Time to Your Beauty Routine

Get summer-ready hair with expert tips: Nourish, protect, & style your locks for a healthy and radiant look under the sun. #haircare #beauty routine #summerbeauty

We think it’s pretty safe to bet that you’ve spent a ton of time indoors over the past two years— from quarantine, working remote, to just chilling by your TV. In case you’re not aware, spending a large amount of time indoors definitely has an impact on your beauty routine. Wondering how? We’ll fill you in!

Excessive Indoor Time Leads to Negative Physical Traits

If you’re living in a big city, it’s no secret that you might be detached from nature. This disconnection can lead to large amounts of stress and sometimes even depression. What does this have to do with your beauty routine? Well, high-stress levels can lead to a vast number of negative physical attributes such as:

  • Hair loss
  • Thinning hair
  • Skin & hair dullness

Not only does outdoor time positively impact your physical appearance, but it can also help improve your mental clarity as well. Being out in nature is known to reduce stress, fear, and even anger. Weekend hikes are a favorite here at Long Hair Don’t Care, but we also recommend spending more time outside on the daily. So, how can you incorporate more nature into your daily routine without trekking out on a hike? You can:

  • Go for a short morning stroll
  • Have lunch outdoors or in a park
  • Workout outdoors instead of indoors
  • Take up an outdoor hobby (like gardening)
  • Have a dog? Take them for longer walks!

If you’re sure you’re not getting enough outdoor time, it’s super important to take the inside-out approach to your beauty routine with a multivitamin. Our hair vitalizing vitamins also act as a multivitamin. They’re packed with vitamins like Biotin, Vitamin D, Vitamin A (aka retinol) and so many more!

Revitalize your hair for summer: Expert tips to nourish, protect, and style your locks for a vibrant and healthy look under the sun. #summerhaircare #haircaretips

It’s time to get back to our roots and destress for our overall well-being! The outdoors has a positive impact on our physical and mental health (it’s also free), so it only makes sense to make the most of it. If you’re semi-new to spending a ton of time outdoors, we recommend starting off with smaller daily activities before you decide to take a 5-mile hike.

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